Thursday, February 23, 2012


I had always find comfort in studying - I know it sounds weird and barely believable because during my earlier teenage years, that was probably the last thing I ever feel peaceful about. I guess it is comforting that while the world is always changing, it is good to sometimes close the doors, the windows and live in your world while you understand theories that you know you can trust.

I guess engineering has comforted me in a lot of ways - I'm amazed at how much I enjoyed it even though year 1 for me was a tragic year for my acceptance towards engineering... and my grades. But its just so assuring that x will always be equivalent to something that newton laws doesn't change. That formulas will remain the same and there is always a definite answer to all engineering problems (or basically the stuffs I studied)

I guess I outdid myself as a student to be honest and I kind of prove to myself that diligence and acceptance can change things positively, like my grades hahaha. I never regretted taking engineering because I realized that everything happens for a reason. I became more determined, diligent and truly understanding this quote 'You fight for what you want.' I did. I fought and now I'm almost there.

I just think that the stress now is inevitable and cannot be eliminated and I'm going out of control. ;) So much for today's paper, PMP you totally trashed me down. :'(

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