Sunday, December 11, 2011

Because you still matter

Because I hate the way you see no one else's pain but yours.

How you make such a dramatic scene out of your pain and smearing it on others faces and expecting something from it? How could you blame people for the pain you deserved? You didn't do anything to lessen your pain when you could. Deciding to live with that pain was your decision to make and not anyone elses.

Your insecurities live within you and they grow not because people keep getting better but because you couldn't even have the self-esteem or maturity to want to grow out of it. To want to be someone better. You bring people down because it makes you feel better and that's just... sickening. I hate that despite all this you still haunt me, haunt my conscience. Because I blame myself for not sorting you right, for not teaching you enough to be strong or at least stronger than what you are.

1 comment:

VaNdr3ad said...

he arent ur responsibility anymore.
if he cant sort it out himself.
he never will no matter how u teach him.